This site uses images I create using text prompts and the AI text-to-image generator, Midjourney. Admittedly, I’m not a wiz at it like some of my crypto artist friends, but I’m okay enough to get the kinds of images I’m mostly looking for, which is camgirls who don’t exist.

I don’t need permission to post a camgirl who doesn’t exist here, and I’m not going to be stepping on anyone’s toes by using them as graphics, profile pictures, or advertisements. Also, posting camgirls who don’t exist means not playing favourites among, and “using”, camgirls who DO exist. Camgirls who don’t exist also do not require any kind of consent, compensation, or record keeping compliance.

This website and idea faced an ethical quandary when it came to posting content and using AI was the lesser of the two evils between using AI and using living camgirls without their knowledge or permission. I’m still going to do the latter where it’s culturally relevant and makes sense to do so, but when it doesn’t, or when I just really need a placeholder image to hold this website’s content together, I’m gonna be using these AI images and I hope everyone reading this understands why.

Now onto camgirl business…

Early-2000’s Camgirls Had No Legs!

When I was generating images with Midjourney this afternoon, gathering images to build out the framework for a links page, this image of a camgirl with no legs below the knees popped out, so I upscaled it to see it bigger, and when I did, I started having feelings of nostalgia, and a weird love almost compersion.

You see, most camgirls in the late-90’s-early 2000’s did their camming at their desks, usually using desktop computers, which were expensive enough as it was, so laptops of course were unattainable to most of us. This meant our cams sat on top of our clunky monitors while we sat in computer chairs, so our cams only took photos of us from the tits up – perfect for those of us who had tits. (Camgirls didn’t move to the floor until around 2004, when streaming sites started popping up.)

The thing was, that because of where all our cams were, and the angle most of us were taking our photos at, the audience never saw our legs, and the joke became that camgirls just didn’t have any. I even remember a webcam caption – a strip of text like the CNN ticker at the bottom of a webcam photo – that’s famous to me, by a camgirl named Perfekt, that simply said in all caps, “I HAVE LEGS!” and if I’m not mistaken, she was fully clothed, with her computer chair pushed back to reveal her putting her legs behind her head, taken with a self-timer. I could be completely making that up, and maybe this is an ability she doesn’t and never had, but in my mind that’s what the pic was and until she herself tells me otherwise or someone produces evidence that I’m wrong, it’s my head cannon five-everrrrr. 😂🦵👩🏼‍💻

What’s also great about this AI-generated image, is that it makes the concept of a disabled camgirl visible, something we don’t, and have never, traditionally seen, despite the fact there are many disabled, and mentally or chronically ill among us. I’ve even hypothesized before that this could be the very reason why some of us had such unconventional jobs, with unconventionally flexible business hours, in the first place because it’s so common in our industry.

Camgirls with major disabilities like missing limbs are few and far between that I’ve seen, but I love this image because it says that any girl can be a camgirl, no matter what her personal limitations and struggles may be. 🌈

Okay, better go get ready for this party I’m attending before I make myself late waxing poetic about camgirls again!

Peace out, girl scouts!

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